Monday 20 October 2014

Phase 1: The Grand Design

At its core, a game does the same thing. It has to render images, play sounds and music, capture input, and do things with that input. A game loops through those various responsibilities, so the more structured and separated those responsibilities are, then the more flexible this design is.

When looking through my old code, one of the things I noticed was how often I used a quick-fix in the absence of a good design pattern. What this means is ultimately the basic responsibilities like rendering to the screen are tightly coupled with game code. So changing one would mean changing the other. And if I wanted to do a new kind of design, I would have to effectively start from scratch.

It’s with all this in mind that my first attempt was to start with making an extensible and flexible engine, with the engine itself operating separately from the game code.

More specifically, I started with a game idea. I then wrote a very broad outline of an order of development, to first start with getting a working platform to build it on, then gradually building up the game artefacts until I finally had a “complete” project. That way, the list seemed fairly unambitious, just simply a matter of getting the engine working how I wanted it, then it would be a race for the finish.

After a little research, I settled on using SDL, found a textbook and a bunch of resources online, so I was able to start with little things. But at all times, I was conscious of The Grand Design – my conception that it was to be all loosely coupled. The Render class was an endpoint – things were added to RenderLists which the render cycle would systematically draw on a frame-by-frame basis. That, too, would be hidden behind an Engine façade, with the game controller simply telling the Engine where it wanted a RenderObject to go. RenderObject was my own wrapper of the SDL_Texture to take into account Source and Dest SDL_Rects (i.e. what coordinates to take from the original image, and where they would go on the screen), and that was in-turn loaded from TextureObject – my own wrapper for SDL_Texture so frames of a single file could be easily parsed. And so on.

The point isn't to recall everything I did, but to analyse the purpose of it. At each point, I had a rough idea of what I wanted in terms of architecture and function, then I set about building the specifics depending on the task. For example, since I knew that images needed to be loaded, I first wrote a class that’s purpose was to load images based on the directory. Then I expanded that to load from an XML. Then I expanded the XML to contain extra information that would be relevant such as rows and columns so it’s all there in a configuration file.

What I managed to achieve wasn't bad, but there was still a long way to go before it was usable as a game. I had lists of functionality that was built (psychological motivator to show how far I had come), as well as what yet to be built, with my goal being to check those specifics off. But it never really works out like that, and how I imagined progress would go in my planning phase, I continually failed to meet what I thought were modest targets. Weeks of this and my enthusiasm died away.

What I was left with in the end was half-completed. It loaded and rendered images, played sounds and music, took basic input, ran in different game states, yet there was very little to show for it. The sequence went roughly from a blue screen to a change transition from a splash screen to a play state that played a piece of music I wrote and would quit if Q was pressed. Worse still, my TODO list was whittling down, yet I was still a long way off from being able to make something. Eventually, I stopped working on it.

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